Angola: Elections 2022 - MPLA Leader Guides Door-to-Door Canvassing On Vote

Luanda — The MPLA candidate for President of the Republic João Lourenço directed his party's militants to hold, in the coming days, door-to-door awareness campaigns, in a move meant to reach more voters ahead of the general elections on 24 August.

The appeal was launched at a mass political rally held on Wednesday in Sumbe, Cuanza Sul province, aimed to launch the party's electoral campaign.

João Lourenço explained that the mobilisation is mainly aimed at reaching citizens who are not militants of MPLA, having recommended a minimum mobilisation of eight citizens.

MPLA leader spoke of the implementation of different programmes, which aim to improve the living conditions of Angolans and the development of the country.

João Lourenço said that the mobilisation must be extended to citizens, who are active in other political parties, in order to join the MPLA and its government programme, for 2022/2017 period.

Roughly 14.3 million voters, of whom 22, 560 residing abroad, are expected to cast their ballot.

In Cuanza Sul, 747,068 voters are registered to vote in 24 August elections.

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