Angola: Elections 2022 - Second Summary of the Fourth Day of Campaign

Luanda — Candidates for the general elections set for 24 August in Angola are due to continue their campaign throughout the country, focusing on direct contact with voters.

On Wednesday, the fourth day of the campaign that began on 24 July, the eight competing political parties organised mass events and community meetings in the country's provinces.


The Humanist Party of Angola (PHA), which defends the creation of a ministry dedicated to children, reiterated its commitment to value the female class by eradicating all types of discrimination and violence against women.

First on the ballot paper and the only Angolan party led by a woman, Florbela Catarina Malaquias, the PHA pledges to protect women in their condition as mothers with the dissemination of norms that protect the female body and combat male superiority as "one of the factors" that encourages violence against women and girls.


After inaugurating of three municipal headquarters in Bié province namely in Andulo, Cunhinga and Chinguar municipalities, the Nationalist Party for Justice in Angola (P-NJANGO) took advantage of its airtime to present the first axis of its governance programme.

The programme highlights measures to ensure well-being and social progress, as well as the strengthening of food and public security and others with a "positive impact" on the lives of the population, with the promise that merit and talent will be the factors of employability for Angolans.


The presidential candidate of UNITA, Adalberto Costa Júnior, has this Thursday set aside a meeting with the academic community and civil society in Huambo city central Huambo province , before presiding over a mass political event to present his programme of governance.

The party leader, who marked his fourth day of campaigning with a march of supporters through the streets of the city of Huambo and a meeting with local party officials, re-stated his desire to propose leadership to Angola, "inspired by the ideals of the nationalists who fought for national independence.


In its airtime, the FNLA defended the review of the current water supply system, with a view to its expansion and the implementation of private micro-systems of collection and distribution subsidized by the State, as part of its development plan.

As well as modernising the air, road and rail transport systems, the plan also focuses on a "better distribution of income and wealth between regions", as well as equal opportunities for access to education and culture, prioritising the construction of infrastructure.


The Broad Convergence for the Salvation of Angola - Electoral Coalition (CASA-CE) devoted its airtime to policies for the education sector, promising to reorganise the structure of teaching and modernize the education system.

Fifth political party on the ballot paper, CASA-CE defends the formation of reference staff for the quality of pre-school education and the compulsory basic and secondary education, through the "inversion of the salary pyramid" and the promotion of digital education, through interactive instruction.


The National Patriotic Alliance (APN) has joined the Social Renewal Party (PRS) in advocating the implementation of two chambers parliament, divided into a legislative chamber and a senate.

The idea is justified by the argument that two chambers "responds better" to the interests and needs of the population, in an analogy to the original model that arose in the Middle Ages, in which the legislative chambers were divided so as to represent the people (parliament) and the aristocracy (upper house), with the latter holding greater powers than the lower house.


The Social Renewal Party (PRS), which aims to integrate more disabled people in the labour market, once again advocated the implementation of the federal system as the best option for the Angolan State.

According to the party's leader, Benedito Daniel, one of the great advantages of federalism is having all bodies elected, from the Government to the Judiciary, as opposed to the current Angolan state model, described by the Constitution as unitary, united and indivisible.


The MPLA leader and presidential candidate, João Lourenço, has decided to concentrate on a mass event set for Menongue city, in the south-eastern province of Cuando Cubango.

On Wednesday, he did the same in Sumbe, coastal Kwanza-Sul province, where he said the mobilisation is mainly aimed at citizens who are not party supporters of MPLA, as a strategy to ensure electoral victory next August and to continue the fight to improve the living conditions of Angolans.

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