Mozambique: United States Pledges U.S.$116 Million for Food and Nutrition Assistance

The United States will disburse US$116 million for food and nutritional assistance to over 800,000 people displaced due to the terrorist attacks in the northern province of Cabo Delgado. This sum is intended to meet needs in health, water, and agriculture, among other sectors. With this amount, the total humanitarian assistance provided by the US to Mozambique this year amounts to more than US$167 million.

The grant was announced on 20 July in Maputo by the Under Secretary of State for Civil Security, Democracy, and Human Rights at the US State Department, Urza Zeya, at the end of an audience granted by President Filipe Nyusi. "With this support, the United States is helping 800,000 internally displaced people and working with local partners to address terrorism and cultivate community cohesion", she said.

Zeya guaranteed that the US is committed to supporting Mozambicans to build a healthier, safer, more democratic, and more prosperous country for all. "We remain committed to increasing cooperation against violent extremism, strengthening the response against pandemics, ensuring economic prosperity, and supporting strong democratic institutions" she stated.

Zeya pointed out that the US continues to be the largest bilateral donor to Mozambique and last year it provided more than US$536 million in assistance, particularly in the area of health. She declared that the US will remain committed to working with the Mozambican government, civil society, and the private sector to strengthen the resilience capabilities of communities affected by terrorism and natural disasters.

The partnerships between the government and civil society, she said, improve health and education outcomes, prevent child marriages, empower vulnerable youth to resist violent extremism, and increase trust and positive interactions between communities and the government.

Zeya added that there are external destabilising factors, such as the Russian conflict with Ukraine, which has caused widespread disruption and significantly increased the price of food and fuel in the world. More than 40 million people around the world are believed to be at risk of food insecurity due to the conflict. That is why, according to Zeya, the United States intends to provide more than five billion dollars in additional aid this year, including more than US$760 million specifically for global food security. Most of the new funding will go to African nations, including Mozambique.

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