Somalia: Southwest State President Slams 'Heinous Terrorist' Attack in Baidoa

The Minister of Justice of the South West Administration, Hassan Ibrahim Lugbur, a member of his family, and other civilians were killed in a suicide bombing that took place today in Baidoa city.

The minister was confronted by a bomber when he left the mosque after the Friday prayers today, according to information obtained by Shabelle Media Network.

Eyewitnesses said that a man had detonated the explosives strapped to his waist the minister and killed the official, his son, some of his bodyguards, and civilians.

There are also 11 other people who were injured in the explosion, according to the reports, and among the injured is another son of the minister.

The injured were taken to the hospital in Baidoa, including those who are in critical condition.

No group has claimed responsibility for the blast, although Al-Shabaab has been blamed.

The president of the South West Administration, Abdizais Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen, accused the Al-Shabaab group of being behind the explosion.

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