Kenya: Karua Says Azimio Govt Will Protect Kenya Kwanza Opponents

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition party presidential running mate Martha Karua has assured their opponents in Kenya Kwanza that their government will protect them if they ascend to power come August.

Taking their campaigns to Nandi County, the National Rainbow Coalition-Kenya (NARC-Kenya) party leader has stated that their government will strictly execute its mandate as stated by the constitution.

"He (Raila Odinga) has told me to execute my duties as mandated by the constitution. We will protect our opponents as well since they are our brothers. The law will be applied equally to all Kenyans," stated Karua.

She further noted that their government will not favor anyone and the rule of law will cut across the board regardless of the relationship she has with anyone.

"If you make a mistake, whether you are my child or my sister, the law is the same one that applies to my opponents as well," she said.

This comes amidst allegations by allies of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance that there is a plan by the government to eliminate them.

The allegations were raised by the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) flagbearer William Ruto who requested the president not to harm his kids.

His allegations were also echoed by Mathira Member of Parliament Rigathi Gachagua who requested the head of state not to kill him.

The UDA's presidential running mate made the claims Saturday while traversing his home county Nyeri.

Gachagua alleged that President Uhuru Kenyatta had convened a meeting with elders in Nakuru and had vowed to "deal with them" including Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro and Kimani Ichung'wah of Kikuyu constituency.

"At the moment you should pray for me and those supporting William Ruto. I have information that Uhuru whom we assisted to ascend to the presidency convened a meeting where he vowed to deal with us. However, I want to tell him that he should leave us alone since the community will not change their support for Ruto," he stated.

Gachagua who was bitter said that despite losing his hard-earned money to the government, Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officers are trailing him wherever he goes.

"The reason why I am saying that my life is in danger is due to the fact that characters are following me, a recent case being in Nakuru, but I am not afraid, I will pay the ultimate price," said Gachagua.

Leaders accompanying Gachagua in his campaign trail led by speaker Justin Muturi echoed his sentiments saying that if anything happens to their leaders, they will hold President Kenyatta responsible.

"I also have similar information on what Gachagua is saying but I want to tell Uhuru to stop this outdated game however if he wants to continue let him know we shall hold him responsible," Muturi said.

President Uhuru Kenyatta responded to the claims while commissioning Nairobi Expressway saying he has no intentions of killing anyone as he is on the last stretch of his term in office and that is not his agenda.

"There is no need of telling people that I want to kill you, haven't you insulted me for three years? Has anyone touched you? Have I not been in government in the three years, I had all the powers?" he posed.

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