Angola: Elections2022 - Unita Calls for Transparency

Luanda — The UNITA candidate for President of the Republic, Adalberto Costa Júnior, Saturday in Luanda appealled for the need for the general elections of 24 August to be fair and transparent.

While speaking during a mass event held in Cazenga Municipality of Luanda Province, he stressed that his political party is ready to create a democratic government without discrimination.

In his speech, the head of the UNITA list reiterated the commitment to implement the local elections in Angola, if his party wins the 24 August elections.

Adalberto Costa Júnior said that this is one of the central issues of the party´s governance programme, which also includes the fight against corruption and the promotion of education, from primary to university level.

The event served also for the party to present its candidates for MP and the five-year governance programme, which is focused on inclusive and participatory governance.

Among others, The UNITA´s electoral manifesto comprises aspects like state reform, higher quality of education and health, access to housing and employment, promotion of the market economy and eradication of regional asymmetries, and facilitation of low-interest credit.

To observe the voting process in the municipality of Cazenga on 24 August, UNITA accredited 1,040 delegates, out of the 2,090 required.

According to the provincial secretary of UNITA, Nelito Ekuikui, Luanda will have 17,000 delegates of his party in the upcoming polls.

Angola will hold its fifth elections on 24 August, after those in 1992, 2008, 2012 and 2017. It will be the first elections with the participation of Angolans in the diaspora.

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