Kenya: Sonko Says He Got Better Deal in Kenya Kwanza as He Quits Mombasa Governor Race

Nairobi — Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko seems to have thrown in the towel on the Mombasa gubernatorial race having joined hands with the Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

Sonko admitted that time is not on his side saying he had to find a better solution for the people of Mombasa having been edged out of Mombasa race after his clearance was revoked.

"Time is not on our side and I have had to sit down as a leader think about what would be best for my people and I have come to the realisation that I should work with a government that shares the same vision for my people as I and one that benefits them ," Sonko wrote on his social media account.

Sonko who was welcomed to the Kenya Kwanza Alliance fold by Deputy President William Ruto termed his move as a better solution having been offered plum positions in the executive should Ruto clinch government.

Among the slots include One Cabinet Secretary position, three principal secretaries' slot and four ambassadors' slots which he promised to dish out to his political allies who have fought to have him in the ballot.

"It is not about Sonko now, I have to think about the people of Mombasa and their future. I will not be leaving my brother Hon. Ali Mbogo behind, who has been put to suffering by those fighting me, and therefore from the positions offered I will also consider him," Sonko stated.

"With your blessings, I would want to get into this agreement with UDA, so that I can be assured of jobs and opportunities for my Mombasa and Nairobi people," he added.

The Former Nairobi Governor bid President Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo Musyoka political goodbye saying he had found a better political trajectory that sadly didn't involve them.

"I however will not leave without gratitude to His Excellency Dr Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka who has stood with me all along with the same ambition of helping the people of Mombasa,"

" I also pass my gratitude to His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta who has been like a brother to me and supported me and I wish him nothing but the very best of luck in his future endeavours,"Sonko said.

Sonko decided to cut ties with Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition party and officially joined the Kenya Kwanza Alliance political fold.

He was officially received to the Kenya Kwanza team by Deputy President William Ruto at his offices based in Karen.

"We welcome Mike Sonko to Kenya Kwanza, the winning team," Ruto wrote on his Facebook account.

This coming hours after Sonko declared that he will join forces with the United Democratic Alliance Mombasa gubernatorial candidate Hassan Omar to ensure he triumphs and defeat the Orange Democratic Movement candidate Abdulswamad Nassir.

At the same time, the embattled Mombasa gubernatorial hopeful filed a case to appeal the ruling by the High Court to reinstate the revocation of his candidature by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Mombasa returning officer Swalhah Yussuf.

In his appeal, Sonko has sued IEBC seeking stay orders of the revocation of his clearance and as well orders to halt the printing of ballots for the Mombasa gubernatorial race.

Sonko wants the hearing of the case fast-tracked as the High Court is set to go on vacation, which is set to begin on August 1.

The High Court dismissed the case by Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko to have the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati held in contempt for failing to clear him to vie for the governship seat despite a pending case in court.

The Mombasa High Court ruled that the Supreme Court ruling had found the Wiper party Mombasa gubernatorial hopeful lawfully unfit to hold public office.

"Judges noted that Supreme Court found Sonko CONSTITUTIONALLY UNFIT to ever hold any public office," read the ruling.

Sonko moved to institute contempt proceedings against Chebukati and Mombasa returning officer Swalhah Yusuf for striking him off the Mombasa gubernatorial race.

Through his legal counsel, Sonko held that his candidature is still valid on the basis of Article 193(3) of the constitution and therefore the revocation by Mombasa returning officer Yusuf is untimely.

"With regard to the above we therefore wish to inform you that your revocation dated 18 July 2022 is illegal and void ab initio without directions of the High Court at Mombasa," the court papers read.

According to Sonko he is still protected by the constitution and can vie for the Mombasa gubernatorial seat with a pending review in court.

"It is evidently clear that, Hon MIKE MBIVU SONKO is protected by the Constitution and until he exhaust all appeal mechanism he does not stand disqualified as you industriously wish to purport," the court papers read.

The Former Nairobi Governor told the poll agency that until the review is heard and determined then the notice letter invalidating his candidature doesn't hold water.

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