Tanzania: Samia - I Appoint On Merits

... Insists performance, loyalty as key criteria

PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan has outlined qualification, competency, and loyalty to the country as key criteria that she puts into consideration when picking presidential appointees.

The Head of State made the revelation at the Magogoni State House in Dar es Salaam on Monday, during a ceremony to swear-in nine new Regional Commissioners and seven Regional Administrative Secretaries whom she appointed last week.

"These appointments are made in accordance with the executive power vested in the president by the constitution. I have aides and state organs who advise me on these appointments but I am the one who makes the final decisions based on the three criteria," she declared.

President Samia was categorical that the appointments have nothing to do with tribe, racial or groups, rather performance and loyalty of the appointees.

Ms Samia urged the newly-appointed regional leaders to work hard in serving the people, stating that their performance is still under the mirror of state organs.

On the other hand, she praised those who were serving in the positions for their dedicated service to the country.

"The new appointees join the serving team in ensuring improved service delivery to the people. I do hope that you will perform your duties diligently given your experience," she told the new appointees.

Ms Samia explained that before the appointment, the government had undertaken performance reviews of presidential appointees serving at different levels.

The new regional commissioners who were sworn-in on Monday and afterwards took an integrity pledge include Ms Fatma Mwasa, (Morogoro), Ms Halima Dendego (Iringa), Peter Serukamba (Singida), and Col Ahmed Abbas Ahmed (Mtwara).

Also on the list were Mr Albert Chalamila (Kagera), Dr Yahaya Nawanda (Simiyu), Col Laban Thomas (Ruvuma), Mr Nurdin Babu (Kilimanjaro) and Maj Gen Suleiman Mzee (Mara).

During the occasion which was attended by various high-ranking government leaders, President Samia as well swore-in seven new regional administrative secretaries.

They included Commissioner of Police (CP) Dr Mussa Ali Mussa (Morogoro), Prof Godius Kahyarara (Geita), who prior to the new appointment served as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade.

Others and their workstation in brackets are Eng Leonard Masanja (Iringa), Toba Nguvila (Kagera), Elikana Balandya (Mwanza), Prof Siza Tumbo (Shinyanga) and Dr John Mboya (Tabora).

Speaking earlier, Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, reminded the new leaders of their role in serving and addressing challenges facing the citizenry.

"The offices to which you have been appointed into are charged with serving the people, receive them (the people) and solve their challenges," the Premier told the new appointees.

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Tulia Ackson, assured the newly sworn-in leaders that her office will accord them maximum cooperation in discharging their duties.

"The National Assembly will accord you maximum cooperation as we fulfill our duty of advising and overseeing the government in undertaking development plans," Dr Tulia stated.

For his part, the Chief Justice, Prof Ibrahim Juma, said the judiciary expects a lot from regional commissioners in their capacity as chairpersons of judicial ethics committees in their respective areas.

On early Thursday last week, President Samia made a reshuffle of RCs and RASs in a move that analysts say will improve service delivery to the citizenry.

Through the major reshuffle, Ms Samia appointed nine new regional commissioners and shifted seven RCs to new stations while ten RCs remained in their workstations.

President Samia also appointed seven new RASs, transferring 20, while nine remained in their current workstations.

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