Sudan: Troika Welcomes Statements By Military, Opposition On a New Civilian-Led Govt

Central Khartoum in 2017.
3 August 2022

Khartoum — The Sudan Troika (Norway. UK, USA) has welcomed "the reaffirmation by a range of Sudanese civilian and military stakeholders, as set out in recent public statements, to a civilian-led government leading Sudan's transition to democracy". The three countries further urge a strong women representation in the new government.

In a press statement yesterday, the Troika said that "Sudan is facing an economic, humanitarian and political crisis. Only a civilian-led transitional government, and a clear but realistic timetable for elections, can put the country on the road to recovery and allow a full resumption of international partnerships with Sudan.

"Yet no government will be credible unless it is grounded in an inclusive political agreement. Wide consultations, recognition of lessons learned and strong female representation in both the dialogue process and the resulting government, will strengthen the legitimacy of an agreement. We urge Sudanese stakeholders to move quickly to achieve such an agreement, while avoiding artificial deadlines.

"It is vital that upon agreement amongst civilian parties to form a transitional government, the military fulfils its stated commitment to withdraw from the political scene. The international community is clear that the military's future role, pending elections, must be agreed in consultation with civilian groups in order to ensure a sustainable transition.

'It is vital that upon agreement amongst civilian parties to form a transitional government, the military fulfils its stated commitment to withdraw from the political scene.' - Sudan Troika

"We are encouraged by the recent willingness of various Sudanese parties to table specific proposals on the way forward, and urge them to continue to work together to fulfil the Sudanese people's demands for freedom, justice and peace.

"The Troika continues to encourage intra-Sudanese talks to find a political solution, taking advantage of the resources available through the tripartite UNITAMS-AU-IGAD mechanism, the statement concludes.

'Easy solutions'

Immediate reactions on the statement that was tweeted by the US Embassy and the UK Embassy in Khartoum, were negative. "Unfortunately, such statements give the impression that you (the Troika) haven't yet understood the issue in depth, or you only see your wishes and seek easy solutions. Who kills young people every day if they demonstrate for civilian-led rule? Wake up & face the reality please," a young man tweeted.

"And we say: military to their barracks, Janjaweed and all militias dismantled. Strange that they want to give them a role in the shaping of our future, why?," another one asked.

A third tweet called for sanctions: "Put the adequate pressure on the corrupt generals and they will withdraw: sanctions and boycotts, otherwise such statements will defiantly encourage them to cling to the power by all means."

And a fourth one asked a "vital question: Please, what is the definition the term, long repeated in your various statements, "civilian led government"? Because this can be very misleading. In other words, a civilian-led government can simply be controlled the military dictators."


Many Sudanese have been quite sceptical about the mission of the Trilateral Mechanism (African Union (AU), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS)), which consisted of facilitating a new dialogue between the military that retook power in a coup d'état on October 25 last year and civilian pro-democracy parties and groups.

The main slogan of the demonstrators called for more than weekly since October last year is "No negotiations, no compromise, no power-sharing".

In a statement on June 11, the United Sudanese Revolutionary Forces Abroad (USRFA) reflected the stance of the resistance committees, the Forces for Freedom and Change-Central Council, and other activists in the country who categorically reject any dialogue with the military junta.

In their statement on June 11, the USRFA rejected any talks seeking to legitimise "the coup government" and exonerate "those who committed unspeakable atrocities in Sudan". Anything other than a complete rejection of the AU-IGAD-UNITAMS negotiations, would "only maintain and strengthen the set-back by the coup regime".

Coup leader and head of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan, announced in a televised speech on July 4 that the military would no longer participate in the dialogue facilitated by the AU-IGAD-UNITAMS Trilateral Mechanism.

The armed forces would withdraw from the government, following the formation of a new government of technocrats by Sudan's political forces and other national groups. form that would complete the tasks of the transitional period.

El Burhan's announcement was widely rejected by the resistance committees and other opposition groups in the country, who have lost any confidence in the military leaders. Opinions varied within the forces that allegedly support the current authority.

'Mr Volker, the only party that you need to talk to right now is the resistance committees, the youth of Sudan, and nobody else' - tweet by a young Sudanese woman

UNITAMS head Volker Perthes tweeted yesterday that he had a "useful meeting" with leaders of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party.

"I am encouraged by initiatives for an inclusive dialogue to restore a civilian-led democratic transition in Sudan & will continue to support these efforts," he said.

Yet, many activists have lost confidence in political opposition parties and have put their faith solely in the resistance committees active in the neighbourhoods and villages in the country.

"Mr Volker, the only party that you need to talk to right now is the resistance committees, the youth of Sudan, and nobody else," a young woman tweeted. "They are the one who are tortured and killed by the military leaders. They are the future and the ones who know what is best for Sudan."

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