Angola: Elections 2022 - First Summary of the Eleventh Day

Luanda — The eleventh day of the electoral campaign for the general elections for 24 August is being marked by the participation of contestants in mass political events and the mobilisation of voters in direct contact on Wednesday.

In these actions, which take place across the country, representatives of the eight competing political parties focus on their respective governance programmes for the next five years.


In Ondjiva, Cunene province, the Humanist Party of Angola (PHA) defined, on Tuesday, direct contact with voters as a strategy to reach the greatest number of voters possible.

The strategy of the party, led by Florbela Malaquias, foresees door-to-door campaigns, in markets, taxi stops and other places with greater population concentration.


P-NJANGO opposes extreme positions and strives for moderation, said the party's president Eduardo Jonatão "Dinho" Chingunji on Tuesday during the airtime on National Radio station (RNA).

"Dinho" Chingunji considered his party moderate and for focus on the exchange of ideas.


The president of UNITA, Adalberto Costa Júnior, worked Wednesday morning in the municipality of Andulo, where he held contact with the base structures of his party and paid tribute to Jonas Savimbi, the party's founder.


The FNLA added its "voice" to the appeals against possible acts of political intolerance.

The appeal was made on Tuesday in Mbanza Kongo, Zaire province, by the leader of the FNLA, Nimi a Simbi, reiterating his commitment to peace and social harmony.


In Huambo, one of the main electoral strongholds in the country, eighty trainers of CASA-list delegates benefitted from training in the supervision of the electoral process.

For the secretary of CASA-CE in Huambo, Faustino Mango, the training was "a key step towards the success of the general elections".

He added that the supervision of the elections allows them "to take place freely, fairly and without any mistrust".


Following the vote-hunting trip, the National Patriotic Alliance (APN) party has intensified its campaign in recent days in Zaire province.

In that region of the country, the president of the APN, Quintino Moreira, conveyed to voters the position of the party on the ballot paper, explained the essentials of the electoral manifesto and the governance programme for the next five years.


The PRS will opt for participatory and inclusive governance. The goal is to end regional asymmetries, said, Wednesday, the party's candidate for President of the Republic, Benedito Daniel.

To the press, the official said that this is a governance model that can contribute to social and economic development and promote the well-being of communities.

The PRS leader said that decentralisation of power allows provincial governments to carry out priority actions, including the construction of schools, roads, hospitals and other economic infrastructures.


The MPLA candidate for President of the Republic, João Lourenço, promised Wednesday in Dundo (Lunda Norte) to increase the production capacity of electricity in that province, investing more in the sector.

In the mass rally, as part of the campaign for the general elections, the leader of the ruling party announced that in December the works to expand the Luachimo dam will be completed, which will increase the capacity to produce electricity from 8 to 34 megawatts.

João Lourenço assured that the MPLA will continue to give priority to the construction and rehabilitation of structuring roads and, with that, accelerate the fight against regional asymmetries.

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