Kenya: Wajackoyah Never Endorsed Odinga - Roots Party

Nairobi — With only five days to the elections, the Roots Party has denied that its presidential candidate George Wajackoyah ever endorsed Azimio La Umoja - One Kenya presidential candidate Raila Odinga.

His statement follows video clip that has gone viral showing Wajackoyah on the campaign trail addressing his supporters at an entertainment joint which seemed like he was pushing for Odinga's candidature.

According to the party spokesperson Wilson Muirani, the video was doctored to fit the narrative that their candidate had openly supported Odinga.

"We would like to categorically state that we have a presidential candidate who is on the Ballot and will win this Election. We have not and will not endorse any other candidate," he stated.

He termed the purported endorsement as a hopeless imagination confidently stating that they will win the general elections.

"We would like to distance ourselves from those claims and assure our supporters that victory is coming," he said.

Muirani claimed that the said endorsement was a ploy by their competitors to derail their supporters and confuse them with few days to the ballot.

"We understand the various political camps have panicked over their expectations vs reality in this election and therefore have resulted in all underhand means to create a notion of winning this election," he stated.

Wajackoyah has been slowly shaping up to be a third force in the general election albeit a trailing one compared with the two front runners, Odinga and deputy president William Ruto.

In a recent poll conducted by TIFA, Wajackoyah who is known for controversial political pledges has been ranked third with a 7 percent popularity rating.

The Roots presidential flag bearer who has pledged to legalize Marijuana has lately been gaining traction as he scrambles for the youth vote which might have a ripple effect on the vote basket of the Odinga and Ruto.

Political analysts have observed that if Wajackoyah manages to gunner more than five hundred thousand votes, then the country might be forced to go for a run-off.

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