Kenya: Presidential Candidates, Running Mates Have Adequate Security, Kibicho Says

Nairobi — Interior Principal Secretary Karanja Kibicho has affirmed that security has been accorded to all presidential candidates and their running mates describing claims to harm any of them as publicity stunt.

Speaking on Wednesday during an interview at Kameme radio, Kibicho said those claiming that their lives were in danger have never asked the government to beef-up their security.

"Some claims are just for seeking voter's sympathy. The only plans we have is to protect everyone including ordinary Kenyans. Kenya is a peaceful country and it is unfair for leaders of such stature to allege someone wants to eliminate them," Kibicho said.

"Why would they be eliminated? What have they done to deserve that? They are only playing with the psychology of Kenyans with such comments."

He called on leaders to exercise restraint in their utterances to avoid provoking tensions and negative ethnicity ahead of next week's election.

"I am urging these people to take responsibility of their remarks. Let them make remarks that are founded and not inciteful. In any case we are aware that if anything happened to any of them, the elections will have to be postponed because that is what the constitution says. We know and that is why we have provided enough security to all of them," Kibicho said.

His remarks come few days after Deputy President William Ruto accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of threatening him but cautioned that his children should not be touched.

"As long as you don't kill my children, I am ready to face you in this election with your project," Ruto said.

"President, you shouldn't be the source of a threat in Kenya. Stop threatening Kenyans. Your work is to ensure that all Kenyans are safe. Stop telling us that we will know that you're the President," he added during a campaign tour of Nandi County.

DP Ruto stated threats towards him will not block his presidential bid noting that it is unstoppable.

"Stop engaging me my friend, kindly push your own candidate. Mr. President please, stop talking about me, talk about your candidate. Tell us Raila's agenda and leave William Ruto alone," Ruto stated.

Ruto's running mate Rigathi Gachagua also claimed that his life and that of Kenya Kwanza Allies MPs Kimani Ichung'wa (Kikuyu) and Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu) were also in danger.

President Kenyatta has already denied their claims saying 'he has no intention of killing his deputy or other leaders making such claims.

President Kenyatta stated that for the last three years Ruto and allies have been on a spree to mudsling and insult him while he remained silent.

He insisted that the opportune time for him to 'act' was then and now that he is on his final days to complete his two five-year constitutional term, that is not his agenda.

"There is no need of telling people that I want to kill you, haven't you insulted me for three years has anyone touched you. Have I not been in government in the three years, I had all the powers?" he posed.

"Now when am handing over the government when I have no powers is when I have time to look for you?"

President Kenyatta pointed out that there is no need for insults saying all he has been doing is to call out DP Ruto for lying to Kenyans in the public domain.

"There is no need for insults and when I answer you lies do not tell people I want to kill you... . Sell your agenda and stories and leave me alone. I will do my job and complete it. You go and ask the electorate for votes, if they elect you that's fine and if not, we will go home together," the Head of State stated.

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