Kenya: Bronze Medallist Wawira - Dreams of Breaking World Record Still Valid

Birmingham — Para-lifter Helen Wawira has recounted her prayer odyssey which culminated to Kenya's first medal outside athletics in the ongoing Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

"I prayed time and time again for the medal and I'm happy that God has made my dream a reality," Wawira reflected on the historic Bronze, incidentally a year after her Tokyo 2020 foray came a cropper with a fifth place finish.

Wawira came to Birmingham in the United Kingdom with one motto: 'say Amen to any medal that might come', and she didn't disappoint this time round.

She managed a massive 95kg on her first attempt which was good, and second time round she did a 97kg which was even better but her third attempt on a 99kg became a mission impossible, hence the bronze.

"I prayed asking God to help me overcome what became impossible in Tokyo and I'm glad I have entered the annals of para-lifting history. It hasn't sunk in yet," Wawira said after winning the bronze medal in Birmingham adding to Ferdinand Omanyala's 100m gold.

Wawira added: "We have really trained hard and gave our all in training. Getting a medal against Europeans is not a mean achievement. I wish to thank my fans who have prayed for me and supported me through and through. The medal has motivated me to go for more in future," Wawira, who is based in Embu said.

-Coach Omondi-

National team head Coach David Omondi on his part attributed the good perfomance owing to 'heavy' training.

"Out target from the onset was gold, but I thank God we are not leaving Birmingham empty handed . We racked up a bronze medal. Now there will be no two ways about it, its heavy training all the way to ensure we deliver the Paris 2024 Olympics gold," the coach underscored.

Omondi revels that the first attempt of the lift was all about playing safe.

"I had analysed her potential and could make decisions on the choice of weights. Even if she was not able to lift the 97, she was well on the medal bracket, for us it was just a critical balancing act to remain in the medal bracket."

-Alex Isaboke is reporting from Birmingham, United Kingdom-

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