Kenya: IEBC Administers Oath of Secrecy to Presiding Officers in Readiness for the Election

Nairobi — The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has administered oaths of secrecy to Presiding and Deputy presiding officers, in readiness for the general election.

Presiding and Deputy Presiding officers play a major role in Kenya elections, as they are mandated with the management of electoral activities in polling stations.

A Presiding Officer will be responsible for complying with all instructions and ensuring the integrity and secrecy of the ballot.

"The Commission has administered the Oath of Secrecy to Presiding Officers and Deputy Presiding Officers pursuant to Section 55(A) of the Elections Act in readiness for the #GE2022," stated IEBC.

The major role of a Presiding Officer in Kenya is to manage and oversee all aspects of the poll in the polling station that they are responsible for.

He is answerable to the Returning Officer in the performance of their work, and also oversees the Polling Clerks.

The Deputy Presiding Officer deputises the Presiding Officer, performs the duties assigned to them by the Presiding Officer and ensures safe retrieval of election materials.

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