Sudan - Red Sea Tribesmen Continue Sit-in At Haidob Port

6 August 2022

Haidob / Port Sudan — Kameilab activists continue their sit-in at the Haidob Port in Red Sea state, demanding the Sudanese Sea Ports Corporation to pay compensation for the use of their land. On Thursday, work at all Sudanese sea ports halted following protests by Beja youth against discrimination.

The sit-in at Haidob Port has entered its 15th day, journalist Amin Senada told Radio Dabanga yesterday.

The Kameilab demand the implementation of the agreement between them and the Sea Ports Corporation that stipulates payment of compensation for the use of their land for the port. They pledged to halt their protest immediately after they have received their entitlements.

When the Haidob Port was built at the Red Sea coast, about 60 kilometres south of Port Sudan two years ago, the Sea Ports Corporation pledged to pay compensation to the residents of the area.

Senada explained that the area where the port was built is disputed by the Amarar Beja clan. Militant Amarar carrying firearms attacked the sit-in on July 31. Six protesters were injured.

The followiing day, the Red Sea state authorities organised a meeting with leaders of the Kameilab and Amarar, during which they reached an agreement to stop the hostilities and discuss the matter peacefully.

The Haidob Port, built by the China Harbour Engineering Company in 2020, is designated for the export of cattle, camels, and sheep to mainly Asian markets.

Call for work closes ports

Work at all Sudanese sea ports stopped on Thursday after employees of the Sudanese Standards and Measurements Authority left their work sites at the ports, in protest against the closure by Beja youth of the Authority's main office in the Red Sea state capital of Port Sudan.

Activist Khaled Nour told Radio Dabanga that a number of Beja youth blocked the office in protest against of the absence of positive discrimination in hiring new staff for the Sudanese Standards and Measurements Authority.

The personnel of the Authority then left their work, in solidarity with the youth.

Nour added that he also heard the staff complaining about the recent increases in the prices of fuel and electricity.

He further reported that that work is still suspended at the harbour of Suakin, the second largest sea port of Sudan. "There are now problems between the staff and the administration about their personal work cards," he explained.

On July 25, newly appointed port workers blocked access to Suakin Port to protest the hostile position against them held by the older workers, who claim that the port does not need extra workers, in particular if the selection was made on a tribal basis.

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