Zimbabwe: 'We Also Have History in Matebeleland,' Claims Chiwenga, As He Traces His and Mnangagwa's Lineage to Mzilikazi

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has claimed his family, and that of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, have roots in Mzilikazi's kingdom of Matebeleland.

In a 17-minute video shot during his meeting with members of his new wife, Miniyothabo's family in Filabusi, Chiwenga gives a lengthy speech welcoming the Khumalos, to what seemed a merry-making ceremony, in which he said Mnangagwa's grandfather grew up while in King Mzilikazi's royal kraal.

He also claimed his own great grandmother was a chief in present day Nkayi, and was one of King Mzilikazi's many wives.

"The President's grandfather, Mubengu, was taken when he was a little boy by Mzilikazi and was kept at the royal kraal until he was put in the Mbizo regiment.

"At the battle of Phuphu, he is the one who threw the spear that killed the last white-man there. That is why you hear the President say he wants to build a statue for general Mtshana Khumalo.

"We have our own history, in this area," said Chiwenga.

King Mzilikazi bore King Lobengula, the last one before the Ndebele kingdom was dismantled by the British South Africa Police (BSAC) that spearheaded colonisation of the land between Limpopo river and Zambezi.

The former army general was in the company of his wife, a colonel in the army, he married in June this year after secretly dating her for some time.

He added: "Our great grandfather (Chiwengas) was the last Monomotapa, and his sister was a chief at Nkayi. She was married to Mzilikazi as one of his wives."

The two, Mnangagwa and Chiwenga early 1980s led the massacre of over 20 000, mainly Ndebele speaking people alongside late 'national hero' Perrance Shiri in what was termed the Gukurahundi.

They remain some of the most feared people still alive.

Chiwenga was in charge the Bulawayo battalion that supported the 5th Brigade, late President Robert Mugabe's North Korean trained killing machine.

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