Kenya: Be Deliberate With Your Vote - Ruto to Kenyans

Nairobi — Deputy President William Ruto has urged all Kenyans to come out in large numbers on Tuesday next week and be deliberate with their vote during the general election.

Speaking during a press conference at his Official Residence in Karen, DP Ruto reminded Kenyans that those they will vote will determine the country’s direction for the next five years.

“We are going to elect our leaders for the next five years; our constitution invites each one of us to chose from among those of us we prefer to determine our lives and that of our families and the destiny of our beloved country Kenya. I invite all of you my fellow citizens of Kenya to be purposeful and deliberate as you vote, do not take chances with that hallowed ballot paper,” DP Ruto urged.

The DP who is seeking to succeed his boss President Uhuru Kenyatta reiterated that the coming polls will present Kenyans with an opportunity to choose stagnation or progress

“That vote is all you have to choose between stagnation and progress, between the way life is and how it ought to be. We in the Kenya kwanza recognize and appreciate that every Kenya is called to vote under very strenuous circumstances. The economy is in dire straits, the high cost of basic commodities such as food and fuel should never be this harsh,” DP said.

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) flag bearer further called in his supporters to vote peacefully shun violence under all cost.

Ruto urged Kenyans not to be intimidated but come out in large numbers and vote for change.

“We are committed to a peaceful election; we will not contradict our vow to uphold peace. We ask every supporter of Kenya Kwanza across the country to conduct themselves peacefully, vote peacefully and wait for the results peacefully,” he said.

DP Ruto who is one of the front-runners in the coming general election revisited the Kenya Kwanza’s manifesto whose main agenda is to turn around the economy of the country which he says is on its knees and reduce the high cost of living.

He exuded confidence that the Kenya Kwanza will form the next government and thanked those who have supported his bid so far.

DP Ruto and his closes rival and Azimio la Umoja one Kenya presidential Candidate Raila Odinga are on Saturday set to hold their last rallies at the Nyayo National Stadium and Kasarani Stadium respectively.

Their supporters are expected to throng the stadiums.

DP Ruto will before the final rally campaign in Suswa Nark County, Maai Mahiu in Nakuru County and Kirigiti in Kiambu County.

The rallies will mark the end of the 2022 campaign period in accordance with the law and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) regulations and timelines.

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