Uganda: Minister Baryomunsi, Sg Todwong Campaign for NRM's Mujungu in Kasese

7 August 2022

The NRM Vice Chairman for Western region who is also the Minister of Information Dr. Chris Baryomunsi has told residents of Busongora County south in Kasese district to vote the party flag bearer, Thembo Gideon Mujungu in the coming by- election.

Baryomunsi made the plea on Saturday at Muhokya primary school grounds, in Muhokya town council during a county conference of delegate members of the ruling party which convened to show solidarity and support of Mujungu.

"It is inevitable that you send back Mujungu to parliament to ensure that there is steady progress and keen follow up on President Museveni's pledges until they are fulfilled," Dr. Baryomunsi said.


He told the meeting that voting an opposition or independent candidate will only worsen the situation.

"I ask that you don't shoot yourselves in the foot by choosing any Member of Parliament other than the NRM flagbearer. On the voting day, only look for the bus."


The NRM Secretary General, Richard Todwong who also graced the occasion took a swipe at some of aspirants who defied the party guidance and instead, chose to run as independents.

"The rules, regulations and decisions of party top organs bind all of us. I therefore, call up all NRM leaning independents to withdraw from the race and support the ticket bearer as a sign of respect to our national chairman. We all need to unite and jointly face off with our opposition rivals," Todwong said.

With solidarity of troops, the NRM Secretary General said he is confident that the party flag bearer will clinch the parliamentary seat with a landslide win on the polling day.

Todwong also promised to engage disgruntled party leaders from Busongora South if any so as to forge unity ahead of the by-election.

He drummed up support for Mujungu noting that through him, the NRM government will court all issues affecting residents and seek to resolve them.

Todwong also asked the people of Kasese to shun politics of tribes and religious affiliations.

"NRM brought good politics which cherishes progress. The bad politics of hate and divisions ended with past regimes. We are one nation and nobody should be criminalized for belonging to one tribe or another."

The State Minister of ICT in charge of National guidance, Godfrey Kabbyanga who also hails from Kasese district said opposition MPs have no influence in decision making, hence urging the electorates to vote for a candidate that will be able to lobby government on service delivery up to the local person.

While updating the Secretary General on his ground mobilization in county for weeks now, the NRM director for communication and public relations, Emmanuel Dombo Lumala said several strategic decisions had been resolved to enable a smooth and electrifying campaign process.

In his speech to delegates, moments after receiving the NRM flag as a sign of endorsement, Thembo Mujungu promised an inclusive campaign process and hard work to ensure that victory is delivered.

Dr. Chrispus Kiyonga, the Kasese district NRM chairman challenged local leaders to sacrifice time and go out to campaign for their preferred choice.

Busongora County South in Kasese district will vote its new MP on August, 18.

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