Angola: Head of State Proud of Angolan Athletes´ Commitment

Luanda — The President of the Republic, João Lourenço on Monday manifested his contentment with the 67 medals won at the African Jiu-Jitsu, Judo and Fighting championships.

While receiving a group of athletes in various sports, João Lourenço was informed that Angola obtained 29 gold medals, 22 silver medals and 16 bronze medals in championships contested in the current year in Angola, Algeria and Morocco.

The President of the Republic considered it a source of pride for Angola and a demonstration that young Angolans are on the right path.

"Our motto should be for the youth, no drugs, no alcohol, but yes of course to sports and studies" recommended João Lourenço, while addressing the athletes.

João Lourenço affirmed that the achievements represent the bright side of Angolan youth, because it embraces noble causes, among which sports practice stands out.

During the ceremony, symbolically three medals and a trophy were handed to the Head of State.

With the winning of the medals, Angola occupied prominent positions in the rankings ensuring the right of their three teams to qualify for the world championships that will take place this year in three European countries.

The ceremony was attended by the minister of Youth and Sports, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto.

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