Kenya: 'Yellow Fever Has Consumed Us in Nyeri' - Pricilla Nyokabi After Defeat By UDA

10 August 2022

Nairobi — 'Yellow fever has consumed us in Nyeri' were Pricilla Nyokabi's words as she conceded defeat in the Nyeri senatorial seat.

Nyokabi's concession on Wednesday, a day after the election, coincided with her birthday.

Her words were in reference to the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party's dominance in the county that punctured ambitions of political heavy weights like Kieni Member of Parliament Kanini Kega, Ndaragua's Jeremiah Kioni as well as Kipipiri's Amos Kimunya.

UDA's official color is yellow hence the Yellow fever banter.

"In all seasons we give God thanks. Yellow fever has consumed us in Nyeri. but yote tisa twashukuru (all said and done), moving on."

Nyokabi resigned from the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) as a commissioner to go and try her luck in the Nyeri senatorial race in a bid to unseat Ephraim Maina who went for governorship on a Jubilee Party ticket.

Based on provisional results, Maina was trailing behind incumbent Governor Mutahi Kahiga who decamped from the ruling party and joined UDA.

Jubilee Party's National Director of Elections Kanini Kega also conceded defeat in the Kieni parliamentary election.

Kega, took to his social media on Wednesday saying" when one door closes another one is opened."

The lawmaker did not however identify who he was conceding to although a provisional tally showed the United Democratic Alliance's Njoroge Wainaina was poised to win.

"Opening a new chapter, when one door closes another one is opened. Heading to Bomas," Kega said in a brief social media post.

Provisional results also suggested UDA's Duncan Maina as the likely winner in the Nyeri Township parliamentary race that would see him unseat Wambugu Ngunjiri.

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