Angola: Elections2022 - CNE Urges Voters to Comply With Law

Luanda — The president of the National Electoral Commission, Manuel Pereira da Silva, on Tuesday urged voters to comply with what the law states, avoiding remaining in the polling stations after exercising their citizenship right on 24th August.

According to article 109 of the Organic Law on General Elections, citizens who are not voters, election observers, agents or staff supporting the electoral process, or citizens who have already voted, are banned from remaining at polling stations.

Manuel Pereira da Silva who was speaking in the opening ceremony of the electoral civic training session, appealed to prosecutors to apply the legal mechanisms to all voting citizens who remain at the polling station instead of returning home after voting.

"Your Excellencies will have the mechanisms to enforce the law. The electoral agents must obey the Constitution and the Law," said Manuel Pereira da Silva.

On his turn, the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), Mota Liz, said the PGR will be attentive to all illicit practices.

According to Mota Liz, in times of political euphoria, ignorance or disregard for civic rules of coexistence can lead to criminal liability actions.

Mota Liz calls on public prosecutors to focus on electoral crimes at this stage, maintaining a prompt reaction in situations where cases of practices reflecting electoral offences are recorded.

The magistrate said that PGR monitors the country regarding practices of certain electoral offences, ensuring that the ones that stand out the most are theft of flags and burning propaganda material of opposing parties.

The training session is framed in CNE agenda aiming to provide knowledge related to content of the civic voter education campaign.

MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA, PHA, APN, P-NJANGO and the coalition CASA-CE are the contenders of the 24th August polls.

Meanwhile, roughly 14.3 voters are expected nationwide, of which 22.560 are expected to vote abroad.

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