Kenya: Lancet Kenya Slashes Covid-19 Test Charges

12 August 2022

Nairobi — Pathologists Lancet Kenya has announced a 28 per cent reduction in Covid-19 test costs for all walk-in clients effective August 1.

The review will see the cost come down to Sh4,949 from Sh6,949, in a move that comes as a relief to Kenyans who require COVID-19 certificates to facilitate their movement.

Commenting on the move, Pathologists Lancet Kenya Managing Director Mwende Musunga noted that the move will boost efforts in further reducing cases of infection in the country as well as awareness among Kenyans.

"With the reduction, we have facilitated a cut in expenses that would have been incurred by Kenyans who require the PCR tests for travel, work, or other purposes other than Covid-19 symptoms or contact tracing," Mwende said.

Pathologists Lancet Kenya Limited, part of the Lancet Group of Laboratories operates primarily in the private healthcare environment and offers specialist pathology services to doctors and their patients directly or through clinics and hospitals, industrial sectors, corporates, and insurance companies.

It also serves clinical trials and research groups through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).

PCR is the most advanced of the three main Covid-19 tests, which reveals whether someone has the virus in the early stages of the infection.

The cost reduction comes at a time Kenya's positivity rate stood at 2.5 per cent as of Thursday, from a high of 37.6 percent on December 27, 2021.

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