Angola: Elections2022 - Last Batch of Electoral Material Arrives

Luanda — Over 68 tons of sensitive electoral material, made up of ballot boxes, ballot papers, electoral register and indelible ink, for the General Elections of 24 August, was delivered Wednesday in Luanda to the National Electoral Commission (CNE).

Coming from the city of Zaragoza, Spain, the INDRA´s Director General for the Public Sector, Pedro Viega, handed over the material to the president of CNE, Manuel Pereira da Silva.

At the 4 de Fevereiro International Airport, CNE spokesman Lucas Quilundo said that this is the last batch of material for the elections, after having received logistics in four shipments by sea and ten by plane over the last two months.

He explained that this is called sensitive because it is the essential core of the electoral material for polling stations.

Regarding the distribution plan, the CNE spokesman said the material "will start being transported immediately, first to the 18 electoral commissions, then to the municipal commissions and lastly to the polling stations, 48 hours before election day".

"It is a full day, another step in the unstoppable march towards the realization of the general elections on 24 August", stressed the official.

For the ballot on the 24th August, roughly 14.3 million voters are registered, of which 22,560 are abroad, who will choose between the MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA, APN, P-NJANGO, PHA, APN and the CASA-CE coalition.

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