Angola: Elections 2022 - João Lourenço Announces Construction of Ring Roads in Five Provinces

Ndalatando — MPLA leader João Lourenço Thursday in Ndalatando, Cuanza Norte province, announced plans for construction of circular roads in the provinces of Cuanza Norte, Malanje, Benguela and Cuanza Sul.

He said the initiative is meant to prevent the traffic of national roads from passing through the center of cities, which could contribute to rapid degradation of the infrastructure.

Addressing a mass gathering, as part of the campaign for the general elections of August 24, João Lourenço also spoke of the creation of other social projects, including Higher Institute.

The politician also announced the admission this year of 462 health professionals, and predicted the completion of construction works of the new general hospital of Ndalatando.

In his speech, MPLA leader said the central Executive will ensure high quality equipment for the municipal hospital in Dondo, funded through the Integrated Plan for Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM).

Other plans mentioned by MPLA president, feature the rehabilitation of the Zenza-Cacuso railway section, covering 200 kilometres.

In his speech, the MPLA leader highlighted the completion phase (99%) of the Ndalatando passenger bus terminal.

Angola will hold its fifth elections on August 24, after those conducted in 1992, 2008, 2012 and 2017.

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