Angola: Elections 2022 - MPLA President Announces Private Management of Iona Park

Luanda — MPLA leader João Lourenço announced Sunday in Moçâmedes, south-west Namibe province, that the management of the local Iona National Park was handed over to an international private company linked to the nature conservation.

MPLA leader announced this while addressing a mass rally, as part of the campaign for general elections on August 24.

He said that the measure taken by the Executive aims to make the space profitable and guarantee more investment to the tourist sector.

African Parks, a South African non-governmental organisation focused on nature conservation, will work with the local communities to implement projects, restore wildlife.

It will position the park as a key destination, ensuring long-term ecological, social and economic sustainability to the Iona National Park.

The MPLA candidate for President of the Republic, announced intention to capture a greater volume of investments, which can contribute to the development of the province.

"It is an adjusted measure to attract more tourism and more investment to Namibe", added João Lourenço, adding that the province has other attractions that should be developed, in order to collect revenue.

The Iona National Park, with diversified fauna and flora, especially the Welwitschia Mirabilis, is the largest in Angola.

Iona park is located about 200 km from Namibe, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Cunene and Curoca rivers, occupying an area of 15,150 km².

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