Uganda: Joy Kabatsi Tipped to Become Board Chairperson Uganda Railways Corporation

14 August 2022

Former minister Joy Kabatsi is being considered to chair the board of the Uganda Railways Corporation (URC), reliable sources have told The Nile Post. Her announcement to the post could be made as early as August 15 after cabinet sits and deliberates on the matter

We have been told that Kabatsi, who has President Museveni's backing, will replace Hannington Karuhanga whose tenure expired.

Sources told us that the minister of Works and Transport, Gen Katumba Wamala is finalising the modalities of appointing Kabatsi.


In his recent addresses, President Museveni has made it clear that a vibrant railway transport system to be a top priority for his government in order to deal with the fuel crisis currently facing the country.

Plans are underway to revamp the existing railway network to ease movement of goods and people.


To do this and to avoid problems that befell Uganda Airlines after it was revived, sources said Museveni wants a strong, incorruptible board and so far Kabatsi's name has featured favourably. Kabatsi is former minister of state for Transport.

We have been told that Kabatsi also has the support of Gen Salim Saleh, Museveni's young brother and Jim Muhwezi, the minister of Security, who wrote a recommendation supporting Kabatsi's appointment.

Yet there is still some rope pulling at the ministry over Kabatsi's choice. Some senior officials are opposed to her appointment, describing her as belligerent.

Others support her citing her good record there when she served as state minister for Transport.

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