Tanzania: Majaliwa Tasks Ministers to Review Contracts

PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has directed ministers to review contracts that the country has entered with various countries through their ministries in order to identify areas which need to be completed and worked on.

He said it is important for the ministries with contracts' discussions with other countries to consider using experts with experience in the areas of discussion.

The PM issued the directives on Friday at the official closing of a working session with ministers, permanent secretaries and their deputies held in Dodoma Capital.

Mr Majaliwa stressed that President's Office Regional Administration and Local Government must abide by President Samia Suluhu Hassan's directives of ensuring that all councils in the country set realistic targets in revenue collections and come up with new sources of revenue.

"We should not just be proud of collecting 100 per cent of the target while we have set low estimations and there are opportunities of collecting more...full councils and executives must review all sources of revenue collections to see the amount collected per month to know whether they are realistic," he said.

The PM further directed Ministry of Finance and Planning to work on Africa poverty eradication strategy especially on Tanzanian side and identify available opportunities and strategies of exploiting them.

"You should speed up on this because the focus of President Samia on economy especially on agriculture is to stimulate Tanzanians to overcome poverty ...we should not lose this opportunity because it is beneficial to our country."

Meanwhile Mr Majaliwa said that the government will continue to cooperate with all religious denominations in the country to promote and strengthen the social and economic well-being of Tanzanians.

He made the remark on Friday when he represented President Samia at the opening of Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) Church headquarters at Miyuji Bible College, Dodoma.

The Premier said the government has been collaborating with the private sector including religious institutions in providing various services for the citizens so as to bring development to the nation.

"The government is aware of the importance of citizen participation in the country's development," he said.

Moreover, the Premier noted that government continues to create enabling environment for investment by constructing vital infrastructures such as roads and railways, as well as ferries, adding that "all these efforts together with strengthening the energy sector aim at improving the well-being of Tanzanians".

He further added that TAG along with other religious institutions, supports the government in the provision of various services that benefit communities such as education, health and other important services in the communities.

Mr Majaliwa also applauded the TAG church for its efforts in providing education in different regions of the country.

"I have been told that you own ten primary and five secondary schools and the other eight schools are in construction stages... . you have also two vocational training colleges and you are still having plans to build a university here in Dodoma, congratulations." Mr Majaliwa said.

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