Kenya: Chebukati Says 2 Commissioners, CEO Injured - Decries Arbitrary Arrests

15 August 2022

Nairobi — The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairperson Wafula Chebukati on Monday said two of his commissioners were injured during an altercation at the National Tallying Centre moments before the announcement of the final presidential results.

Chebukati said that the two Commissioners -- Boya Molu and Abdi Guliye -- were targeted alongside the Commission's Chief Executive Officer Hussein Marjan who sustained injuries during the ensuing melee that saw some Azimio allied leaders kicked out of the tallying center for causing commotion.

Speaking while announcing the presidential results, Chebukati said that he had suffered intimidation and harassment from different quarters in his quest to ensure free, fair and transparent elections.

He went forward to say that some of the IEBC staff were still missing following arbitrary arrest.

"We have staff who have been profiled. There is a staff returning officer Embakasi West who disappeared while on duty. We have staff who have been arbitrarily arrested for no reason, we don't know where they are. Some from this national tallying center," Chebukati said.

Chebukati however said despite intimidation, he had played his part in executing his mandate according to the constitution and the laws of the land.

He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve Kenyans noting the 2022 General Election will be his last during his tenure.

Chebukati exuded confidence that he had laid the groundwork for an independent electoral institution in the years to come.

"For those who will come, we have prepared for you, what the constitution envisaged from us. An Independent Electoral Commission," he said.

The IEBC Chairperson also thanked the IEBC staff who ensured the success of the electoral process.

On Friday, Chebukati revealed that Embakasi East Returning Officer Daniel Musyoka had gone missing.

He said the Returning Officer went missing after stepping out of the Constituency Tallying Centre to make a phone call from an unknown individual at about 9.00 pm on Thursday.

Chebukati said Musyoka had been picked up by his bodyguard in the morning and reported to work at the East African School of Aviation but later went missing after stepping out to pick up the call.

"Reports received by the commission indicate that at around 9 am on Thursday, he was escorted from his home to the tallying centre by his bodyguard. At around 9.45 am, he excused himself to make a telephone call but did not return," he told reporters at the National Tallying Center in Nairobi.

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