Kenya: Police Keep Guard in Kondele as Businesses Remain Shut Following Protests

16 August 2022

Kisumu — Police continued keep guard in Kisumu's Kondele area on Tuesday as businesses in the lakeside city remained shut for the second day.

This even as the situation calmed in the lakeside city's Central Business District with a group of youths scattered in groups across Kondele, the epicenter of protests that erupted on Monday.

Transport operators resumed operations despite a a decline passenger traffic with a section of residents saying they were waiting for further instructions.

John Ochieng, a matatu tout at Kondele said they are waiting for a word from Raila Odinga, the Azimio La Umoja presidential candidate who came second in the just released election results.

"We can't go to work, everybody is on standby to hear from Raila," he said.

Roads were still littered with stones and bone fires still burning by the roadsides.

Another resident, James Otieno, however appealed to residents to resume their daily work routine saying the elections are over.

Otieno noted in every contest there must be a loser.

"We want peace, there is no need for violence," he said.

James Kaila said this will mark his last time to vote adding he was disappointed with the outcome of the election that saw Odinga's rival William Ruto declared President-elect.

Kaila said for the past three electoral cycles, he had voted and not realized his dream.

"I can't vote again, am tired voting every five years and votes are manipulated (sic)," he said.

A few shops were destroyed on Monday night as police battled youths protesting against the outcome of the election.

Shivling Supermarket, a building owned by Odinga's family, was destroyed as some youths attempted to gain entry before they were repulsed.

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