Kenya: Our Deferred Victory is Coming Home - Karua

17 August 2022

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja One Kenya running mate Martha Karua has exuded hope that they will be victorious in their legal quest to invalidate the presidential results announced by Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Karua intimated that they will manage to wrestle the victory from United Democratic Alliance presidential flag bearer William Ruto.

"Ours is victory deferred but it's coming home and that's the message to everyone as we explore legal and constitutional avenues," she stated. "Let everybody know that victory is coming home."

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka called on unity even as the coalition chart the way forward to seek justice as they push to invalidate the move by IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati to announce William Ruto as president elect.

"The most important matter is to stand in solidarity and to stand together. Infact we have sang that nchi hii bado ni mapambano hadi haki ipatikane(in this country it's a contest until we find justice,"he said while issuing an address at KICC.

With close to 26 political parties having joined the coalition the fear is that the elected leaders from the affiliate parties might decamp to Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

More so that the fate of their quest for justice through legal and constitutional avenues might not be determined by the time Parliament will have been sworn in and the house leadership will have been chosen.

Given their control of numbers in the National Assembly and the Council of Governors it will be key for Azimio la Umoja One Kenya flag bearer Raila Odinga to maintain the control whether he will be successful in his quest for justice or not.

"We are guided by what is in the control of the registrar of political parties because we have two coalitions that are properly deposited at the registrar of political parties," Kalonzo said.

Already, ten Independent Member of Parliament elected during the just concluded general election have joined President-elect William Ruto's camp.

Ruto made the announcement after chairing a meeting with all Kenya Kwanza leaders at his Karen residence on Tuesday.

During the meeting attended by 163 Members of Parliament under the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) and 24 Senators, Ruto stated that his administration will ensure "no part of this country is divided and also bring government developments in each and every part of this country."

Yesterday, Odinga while making his first address after the election outcome claimed that IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati's announcement and declaration of William Ruto as president-elect is null and void.

Odinga accused Chebukati of leading the commission with dictatorship and as one man show which according to him is against the law.

"Yesterday was a total disregard of the law by Chebukati and the rest of the commissioners. The Chairperson has no legal authority over weighty decision and proclaim them," he said.

The 77-year-old veteran politician branded the result of the August 9 race a "travesty" but stopped short of explicitly announcing that he would mount a challenge at the Supreme Court.

"What we saw yesterday (Monday) was a travesty and a blatant disregard of the constitution and the laws of Kenya," he told a press conference in Nairobi, blaming the head of the commission that oversaw the poll.

"I do not want to fully address our strategies going forward but... we will be pursuing all constitutional and legal options available to us."

Odinga narrowly lost his fifth bid for the top job to Deputy President Ruto, who was proclaimed president-elect Monday after a nail-biting wait for results.

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