Tanzania: Use Digital Technology for Addressing Social Challenges-Youth Told

DEPUTY Minister for Information, Communication and Information Technology, Eng Kundo Mathew has encouraged Tanzanian youths to embrace digital technology in finding solutions to social challenges.

"I want you (youth) to be an asset for this country. Be useful and help this country through coming up with digital innovations to address challenges," the deputy minister urged.

Mr Kundo was speaking in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday when officiating the Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) 2022 on behalf of the minister for the docket, Nape Nnauye.

He said the government makes several efforts to impart digital skills among the youth, starting from the education level.

The government in partnership with stakeholders has been equipping schools with ICT facilities and internet connectivity.

The three-day summit, which is held annually, has been jointly coordinated by Digital Opportunity Trust (dot), the ICT Commission, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund(UNICEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Funguo, European Union, UKaid and others.

This year's summit with the theme: 'Transformative Youth Digital Spaces' aims at imparting digital skills among youth to explore digital opportunities.

Earlier, Ms Diana Ninsiima, dot country director, said apart from participants physically present at the summit, most of the youth would join virtually, hence 2500 youth are expected to learn digital skills and create digital opportunities during the three days of the summit.

Commenting, Mr Nkundwe Mwasaga, Director General of the ICT commission said the annual summit is important to harness digital opportunities.

"To sustain the youth-led digital innovation, we need to increase spending on education since large a population is made up of youth. It is necessary to promote digital technology for economic growth. The youth can play a major role in solving social challenges through digital innovation," he argued.

On her part, UNICEF Country representative, Ms Shalini Bahuguna, stated that the country's population below the age of18 years is estimated at 23 million, and come 2030 will be 30 million.

"We don't have a choice; we have to get ready since challenges of tomorrow are climate change and gender equality among others, so giving the youth digital skills is the way to go to offer digital solutions," she pointed out.

"We should equip youth with digital skills to drive this continent. It is high time that governments and development partners enable youths to get skills to create their own jobs in digital space," remarked Ms Christine Musisi, UNDP Resident representative.

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