Angola: Elections2022 - MPLA Leader Announces Public Tender for Health Sector in Benguela

Luanda — A public tender for the admission of 415 health professionals will take place this year in the province of Benguela, if the MPLA wins the general elections on 24th this month.

The party's leader and candidate for President of the Republic, João Lourenço, announced this on Thursday in Benguela.

He added that the public tender is extended to doctors, nurses and health technicians.

More than 2000 professionals were hired for health sector in Benguela, from 2017 to 2022.

The politicians also announced the ongoing construction of a reference general hospital, with a capacity for 200 beds.

João Lourenço said that the government provided staff training at home and abroad.

Gender equality

João Lourenço took advantage to introduce MPLA candidate for Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança Costa, as well as the party's vice-president, Luísa Damião.

He also announced the possibility to appoint in future a woman as a candidate for President of the Republic.

Political Tolerance

Clarifying the reason for permanent appeals, João Lourenço said that some political leaders, contending for the 24 August elections, seem to cause mayhem and disobedience to the authorities, which he described as deplorable practice.

Civil Society

He congratulated the Churches and the organised civil society on working to ensure that the general elections take place in a peace environment, stability.

He appealed to contestants to respect and accept the people's choice, expressed at the polls.


On investments, he explained that the MPLA and its Executive have made public investments, in the province of Benguela, covering the sectors of energy, roads, construction of integrated infrastructure in the cities of Benguela, Lobito, Catumbela and Baía Farta, including the facelift of their outskirts neighbourhoods, estimated at € 479 million.

In the field of higher education, he announced the construction, in the period 2022/2027, of new facilities for the Katiavala Buila University and for the Higher Institute of Education Sciences (ISCED) in Benguela.

In terms of the railways, the MPLA head list said that three new units, each with the capacity to transport 600 people, will be placed in the connection between the cities of Benguela and Lobito, from next September.


João Lourenço also listed the management of the Port of Lobito, by a Chinese consortium companies, which will now have responsibility for its two cargo terminals, and the Benguela Railways (CFB).

Concerning the future Lobito refinery, João Lourenço said that its construction will create, in its operational phase, around 9.000 direct and indirect jobs.


The president explained that, in addition to the State and the private sector, programmes to support credit, privatisation, promotion of entrepreneurship, among others, have contributed to promoting employment for youth generation.

The works of the Public Investment Programme (PIP) and the Integrated Plan for Intervention in Municipalities (PIIM) are also generating employment, contributing to the reduction of unemployment rates in the country, said the head of the MPLA list.


He revealed a US$300 million loan by Development Bank of Angola (BDA) to finance fishing industry.

Roughly 14.3 million will vote in 2022 general elections.

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