Angola: Elections 2022 - MPLA Candidate Praises Civil Society Role

Benguela — The head of MPLA list João Lourenço Thursday in Benguela praised the role of the civil society and churches in raising awareness among citizens, in what he said such patritic attitude ensures peaceful environment in 24 August elections.

João Lourenço was speaking at the mass event held in Benguela province's capital city, as part of the election campaign in the country.

He adding that real organised civil society and the churches want fair and credible elections and they are working to ensure that the election run peacefully.

"The churches and civil society are bending the knee, they are praying and praying for these elections to take place in a climate of harmony. They have been doing this for a while, which will culminate next Sunday (21), with ecumenical services all over the country", he said.

He said to hope that the best will win on August 24, because the decision is in the hands of the people and that the competing parties "only have to accept the will expressed in the polls".

He recalled that these elections have eight contestants, of whom seven fight for the election and one, in this case the MPLA, fights to retain the office.

Energy and water

In his speech, João Lourenço said the MPLA and its Executive have been carrying out, in this mandate, works in favour of Angola and Angolans, although half of the term had been disrupted by Covid-19 pandemic.

He highlighted that the province of Benguela has been making public investments in several areas, particularly the energy sector.

For the municipality of Bocoio, which used to benefit, since the colonial era, from thermal sources energy, he said today it has electricity from the grid, which benefits more than eight thousand inhabitants and serves the fishing and hotel industry.

As for the recently opened solar parks in Biópio and Baía Farta, he said that they are investments aimed at improving the living conditions of populations and industry, not only in Benguela but also in the country.

MPLA leader also announced the construction of the energy transmission line for the Lomaum and Biópio dams, which connects the southern part of Benguela to the respective substations and allows electricity to reach consumers.

He announced, soon, the start of construction work on the transport line that will connect the province of Huambo to Lomaum, in Benguela.

The politician revealed that a new water supply system is under construction in the municipality of Bocoio to increase the supply capacity and to improve the quality of drinking water that is made available to citizens.

He recalled that Balombo has already benefited from an identical project,aimd to reinforce the water supply system, but which will start work on a water treatment plant to improve supply to the cities of Lobito, Catumbela, Benguela and Baia.

Angolans will hold its fifth elections next Wednesday (24 August).

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