Kenya: Karua Maintains Azimio to Seek Justice at the Supreme Court

19 August 2022

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja Presidential Running mate Martha Karua has reiterated that the Coalition will seek justice at the Supreme Court following their rejection of the August 9 Presidential results.

Speaking during a meeting with a section of other leaders, Karua said Azimio will accept the verdict of the court.

"The country deserves justice and peace, and in our National Anthem we sing Justice be our Shield and Defender. We must get justice and whatever the court decides will be final. Even if you will not be satisfied you must accept whatever verdict the court will give," Karua said.

She called on Kenyans to continue maintaining peace and exuded confidence that the legal process will be smooth and in their favour.

"You made your decision, but the court will also decide on whether the figures were real or some of them were cooked. Let is coexist peacefully regardless of who you voted for and move on with life. All we are seeking for is justice," she said.

Azimio Presidential Candidate Raila Odinga rejected the presidential results where Deputy President William Ruto was declared President Elect by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairperson Wafula Chebukati on Monday.

On Wednesday, Karua indicated that that they will manage to wrestle the victory from United Democratic Alliance (UDA) presidential flag bearer William Ruto.

"Ours is victory deferred but it's coming home and that's the message to everyone as we explore legal and constitutional avenues," she stated. "Let everybody know that victory is coming home."

The Azimio Coalition is however yet to file a petition at the Supreme Court with the filing deadline being Monday next week.

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