Somalia: Somali Forces End Siege At Mogadishu Hotel - Security Commander

Somali forces have ended a deadly siege by Al-Qaeda-linked militants at a hotel in the capital Mogadishu that lasted about 30 hours, a security commander told AFP around midnight Saturday.

"The security forces have ended the siege now and the gunmen are dead, we've had no incoming gunfire from the building in the past hour," the commander said.

He gave no further information about the total number of the casualties, saying the government would give a press briefing on Sunday morning. The building still needed to be cleared of any explosives that may have been planted, he added.

Somali officials earlier said that at least 13 civilians have been killed and dozens wounded since the militants unleashed a gun and bomb attack on the Hayat Hotel on Friday evening, but the Wall Street Journal reported more than 20 deaths citing two police officers.

(With input from AFP)

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