Africa: Press Release By H.E Minata Samate Cessouma Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development - World Humanitarian Day - 19 August 2022

press release

Theme - # it takes a village

The World Humanitarian Day, commemorated every year on 19 August , is an occasion to pay tribute and to honour humanitarian workers whose dedication and bravery in putting their lives in risk to save the life of others their communities, and countries. . For that matter, we join the international community in commemorating this day, in recognition of humanitarian workers including those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian causes, often in extremely dangerous situations, all in the service of others.

This year's World Humanitarian Day will be celebrated under the theme #it takes a village and we commemorate this day as we deal with humanitarian challenges in Africa. As the African continent - and much of the world - continues to grapple with the tremendous threat posed by the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, climate changes, mass displacement, conflicts, and natural disasters, the AU member states, and international communities, join hands with humanitarian workers and other stakeholders in solidarity with affected people across the continent. The theme therefore enjoins us to draw on our African values and solidarity encapsulated in the spirit and philosophy of Ubuntu, to work together as humanity and in recognition that one is because of others, and that responding to distress is not a duty but the natural reaction of human beings.

We mark the 2022 World Humanitarian Day amidst unprecedented humanitarian challenges across Africa. Therefore, we continue to work on finding durable solutions to forced displacement, mixed movements, conflicts, terrorist activities, and protracted humanitarian crises in Africa. We recognize and celebrate humanitarian workers and professionals in various walks of life, who are saving lives, providing protection and assistance, building livelihoods for vulnerable people, delivering urgent health care, shelter, water, food and much more to individuals, families, communities, and humanity at large, in need and in difficult environment and precarious situations.

We have much to celebrate across the continent, organized humanitarian volunteers that work with national societies, youth leaders who propose creative solutions to the problems facing their people; also communities who mobilize resources to empower themselves in times of disasters and conflicts, individuals who contribute with resources, time, and expertise to support those in need around them.

I would like to take this opportunity to underscore that, as we are celebrating the World Humanitarian Day, Africa also needs to enhance its efforts towards a continent that is peaceful, stable, secure, self-sufficient and built on the capacities, creativity, and collaborative strength of its citizens. This will help to reduce the suffering of many people during disasters and calamities, as well as help to build its capacity at local, national, regional and continental levels for effective humanitarian action, when need arises.

Please join me today in acknowledging and celebrating the Humanitarians among us, working to help others at their time of needs and difficulties, making a difference in building resilient communities, countries, and the African we want.

19 August 2022, Addis Ababa


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