Angola: Elections2022 - Joaquim Chissano Calls for Trust in Electoral Bodies

Luanda — Mozambique´s former President, Joaquim Chissano, appealed on Sunday, in Luanda, to the political parties to trust electoral bodies and await the results of the vote calmly.

Joaquim Chissano, who is in Angola as an observer for next Wednesday´s general elections, told the press that everyone should accept the results of the elections, even if they do not agree with it, in order to maintain unity and peace, with a view to promoting progress for Angola.

"The country needs everyone to be together. It is not just accepting the results, it is starting a new life together with others and hoping for a new opportunity", urged Joaquim Chissano at the end of a courtesy meeting with the chairman of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Manuel Pereira da Silva.

During the meeting, the two officials talked about the CNE´s readiness as well as civic and electoral education, among other issues.

Seminar on Electoral Observation

The CNE held a seminar this Sunday for the heads of national and international observer missions, aimed to present the rules and principles governing election observation process in Angola.

The contents of the seminar were based on the electoral legislative package and the regulation on the recognition and accreditation of observers.

The themes included "The CNE and its local bodies in the framework of the general elections", "Election observation according to the Angolan legislation" and "The electoral code of conduct".

At the opening of the seminar, the CNE head said that the purpose of the seminar was to provide to observers a solid knowledge of the principles and rules that govern election observation in the country.

Manuel Pereira da Silva said that in Angola the electoral process follows three essential phases, namely the pre-election, election and post-election phases.

On Wednesday, 24th August, Angola will hold its fifth elections, for which roughly 14.3 million voters have been registered, 22,560 of whom are abroad, spread over 25 cities in 12 countries of Africa, Europe and South America.

The competing political forces are namely MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA, APN, PHA and P-NJANGO and CASA-CE Electoral Coalition.

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