Angola: Elections2022 - Bishop Calls for Composure

Dundo — Bishop of the Dundo diocese, eastern province of Lunda Norte, Dom Estanislau Chindecasse, Monday called for calmness, civic attitude and respect for difference, with a view to preserving peace.

Speaking to the press, ahead of 24 August election, the church leader

advised Angolan people to avoid the actions that could jeopardize the exercise of democracy.

According to the Catholic prelate, "Angolans need to realize that the elections are the unique and decisive moments for the future

we aspire to for the country.

So we call for serenity, civic attitude, patriotism, he said, recalling that the interests of the nation are above the partisan interests.

He slammed the intolerance and hate speeches adding that such an attitude may disrupt the unity and national reconciliation obtained since the achievement of the peace in the country.

He appealed to the exemplary stance of the leaders of the political parties at a time the election campaign heads into home stretch.

"Peace, national reconciliation, social stability, tolerance and civic attitude are values that must be at the top of the priorities of the political parties. Therefore, we appeal to the patriotic sense again at this stage", he stressed.

Angola will hold its fifth elections, to vote for the president of republic, vice president and national assembly MPs.

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