Angola: Elections2022 - Politicians and Religious Groups Pray for Elections

Lobito — Several religious denominations and political parties prayed Sunday, in Benguela Province, in favour of peaceful elections on August 24.

In an ecumenical service, an initiative of the Provincial Commission of Churches for Benguela Province (COPIEB), the religious people pledged to work with all political parties, civil society and the government that will emerge from the upcoming elections, for the welfare of the people, its coordinator, pastor Higino Jorge said.

"We are in a phase in which each one wishes that the candidate of his party wins, but in case that doesn't happen we must have emotional balance, because elections are a political game in which only one can win", the pastor reminded.

Father António Francisco defended that the elections should run in the best way possible, that is with fairness and transparency, so that Angolans can see the results that come as the actual will of the people.

For the second provincial secretary of the ruling MPLA in Benguela, António Kapewa Kalianguila, the ecumenical service is an opportunity for the union and solidarity of all Angolans, regardless of their ideas and interests, so that peace, as a common good, is safeguarded.

The provincial secretary of CASA-CE coalition, Martins Domingos, said that he left the cult more moralized from the spiritual point of view, since love for the neighbour and concord should prevail above group or individual interests.

The PRS representative, Horácio Abel, took the opportunity to appeal to the population to accept the result of the elections, regardless of who the winner will be.

With the exception of UNITA, which was not present, the politicians were aligned on the idea of citizens leaving the polling stations after exercising their civic duty, to avoid situations that could cause disturbances to the electoral process.

Religious denominations were present at the event including Catholics, Tocoistas, Kimbanguists, Methodists, members of CICA, IECA, IURD, and others.

The general elections on August 24 will elect the President of the Republic, the Vice President and the deputies (220 Mps).

At least eight political forces are running for the general elections, namely MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA, APN, PHA and P-NJANGO parties and the CASA-CE coalition.

Roughly 14.3 million voters are expected to cast ballots on Wednesday.

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