Angola: Over 200 Health Graduates Return to Angola

Luanda — A total of 205 graduates in various health specialties arrived Sunday in Angola after six years of training in Cuba.

Of the total number of graduates at least 187 were trained in general medicine and 18 in Health Sciences (clinical bioanalysis, nursing, stomatology, nutrition, optics and optometry).

The minister of State for Social Affairs, Carolina Cerqueira, considered positive the results achieved in the areas of health, education and higher education, adding that the number of health technicians trained in Cuba since 2017aims to improve assistance in the national health system.

The investments in the construction of several hospital units in the country and educational institutions were also mentioned by the minister.

"Human potential must accompany physical growth, hence the government's bet on the training of specialists in the health area and other important sectors for the country's growth", the minister said.

The minister of Higher Education, Maria do Rosário Bragança Sambo, on her turn, underlined the importance of the training of professionals, adding that some students will finish training in 2023, as a result of an agreement between Angola and Cuba.

The minister of Health, Silvia Lutucuta, highlighted the Angolan government's focus on training of staff, with emphasis on health, education and higher education.

The Health minister explained that administrative and other conditions will be created so that the new graduates can be integrated in health units, from primary health centers to municipal hospitals.

More than 40,000 Angolans were trained in Cuba, since the 80's, in several specialties.

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