Angola: Elections 2022 - Observers Deem Election Campaign Peaceful

Malanje — SADC observers to 24 August elections Tuesday in northern Malanje province deemed peaceful and calm the electoral campaign that ended on Monday (22).

Speaking to ANGOP, South Africa and Botswana observers stated that they did not report any acts of violence or others that undermined democracy in the country, in Malanje in particular.

The head of the SADC observer mission, Thabo Sanyane, of South African nationality, praised the conduct of citizens and political parties, one day to go before the election.

He described the environment as calm and reflection, after holding contacts with citizens, especially academics.

He said that there is a climate of tolerance among citizens, better than in the previous election, although there were also no anomalous situations.

"Tolerance has grown between people and political parties", he praised, adding that today there is greater acceptance of differences and party beliefs.

In turn, the SADC observer for Botswana, Tumisang Mealy, stressed that despite not following the campaign in its entirety, he has a positive assessment, given the few days he witnessed.

The group of observers, made up of two elements, has been in Malanje since Saturday (20), after working for a few days in Luanda and remains in the province until the election results are published, and will work at the provincial headquarters and in the municipalities of Calandula and Cacuso.

Malanje province has 14 municipalities.

On the 24th of this month, Angolans will vote for the fifth time, to elect the President of the Republic, the Vice-President and the 220 MPs to the National Assembly.

The electoral campaign ran between the 24th of July and the 22nd of August. The 23rd (today) is dedicated to reflection on governance programmes presented by political parties.

In Malanje province, 509,616 older citizens are entitled to exercise their right to vote, in 644 polling stations.

MPLA, FNLA, PRS, UNITA, P-NJANGO, PHA and APN, as well as the CASA-CE Coalition, are running for general elections.

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