Angola: Head of State Praises Luís Neto "Kiambata's" Achievements

Luanda — Angolan president João Lourenço on Tuesday considered the nationalist Luís Neto "Kiambata" an "illustrious son" of Angola and praised his contribution to the cause of Angolans.

Ambassador and nationalist Luís Neto "Kiambata" died in the early hours of Saturday (20) in Luanda of disease, at the age of 75.

In a message to the family of the deceased, the Head of State said it was with "consternation and deep sadness" that he learned of the death of "Kiambata", sending "heartfelt condolences" to the bereaved family and friends, on behalf of the Angolan Government and on his own.

João Lourenço, highlights the contribution of Luís "Kiambata" as a former combatant and underlines that his actions "will mark forever the history of national liberation".

João Lourenço states in his letter that Ambassador "Kiambata" accomplished with abnegation and zeal the different missions, serving as reference for the generations to come.

Born in Luanda, Luís Neto "Kiambata" was Angola's ambassador to Zambia and to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

He also contributed to the opening of Angola's first diplomatic representation in Cuba.

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