Malawi: UTM Cadres Arrested for Breach of Electoral Laws

23 August 2022

Malawians are voting in three local government by-elections in the country as police in Chitipa have arrested two people, believed to be UTM cadres, for breach of electoral laws.

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) is conducting by-elections in Wenya Ward in Chitipa Wenya, Lupembe Ward in Karonga Central and Shire Ward in Balaka Central East Constituencies.

The two suspects have been detained at Karonga Police Station for being suspected that they were conducting campaigns after the official period was closed.

Karonga Police Spokesperson George Mulewa said the two were brought in Monday night by two different groups claiming they were caught distributing campaign materials to some voters so that they should vote for their respective candidates.

"Before the by-election (taking place today in Lupembe Ward) we asked the general public to join hands with the police in reporting any electoral malpractice and following that appeal, two teams brought two people saying they suspected them of conducting campaigns outside the official period," explained Mulewa.

However, Mulewa did not disclose more information including identities of the people arrested by citizens as investigations are in progress so that they really get to the root of the issue.

Some sources disclose that the two are suspected to be members of UTM Party.

Reports indicate that voting in all the three wards is going on smoothly, with some areas starting slowly but is picking up now as more people are turning up to vote. Local government by-elections are usually shunned by voters.

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