Angola: Elections2022 - Quintino Moreira Votes

Luanda — The head of the APN list Quintino Moreira has right now exercised his right to vote at table 3 of the polling station 1,160, located in the municipality of Talatona, Luanda.

Quintino Moreira is, among the head-of-list of political parties, the record holder in terms of running for President of the Republic.

This is his third attempt.

This year's elections, which will have the participation of Angolans in the diaspora for the first time, are the fifth in Angola's history, after those in 1992, 2008, 2012 and 2017.

Eight political parties are competing for the present elections.

Roughly 14.3 million voters are registered, in the country and abroad.

Seven political parties (MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA, PHA, APN and P-NJANGO) and a coalition of political parties (CASA-CE) are running for 2022 elections.

This year's general elections aim to elect the President of the Republic, the Vice-President of the Republic and the MPs to the National Assembly.

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