Kenya: Sakaja Describes Nairobi Metropolitan Services Term as Cocktail of Hits and Misses

24 August 2022

Nairobi — Nairobi Governor-Elect Johnson Sakaja has described the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) two- year term as a cocktail of hits and misses, ahead of his swearing in ceremony on Thursday.

The NMS was established by President Uhuru Kenyatta in March 2020, and has been undertaking key functions which were transferred from Nairobi County.

Sakaja appreciated that NMS delivered in some sectors, especially putting up health facilities, and putting up boreholes.

"There is what has succeeded and there is what has failed. They have built hospitals which we now need to equip, they have built cabros in our streets and they have also dug several boreholes," he said.

Sakaja highlighted some of the failures recorded during their tenure including leaving behind huge pending bills and uncollected garbage.

"If you look at the heaps of garbage around the city is one of the things they were unable to do, there is sh 3 billion pending bills for those contracted to do that work and in some instances we have been forced to intervene," Sakaja stated.

Sakaja also insisted that NMS will have to hand over upon their expiry of their term next month.

He further noted that NMS Director General Mohammed Badi expressed his commitment and willingness to handover to the county government.

"The issue about NMS is not my opinion, it's the law. NMS will have to handover, power is going back to the people," he stated.

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