Kenya: CS Magoha Rules Out Extension of School Calendar

24 August 2022

Nairobi — Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has ruled out an extension of the school calendar amid pressure from education sector school heads.

Speaking after opening Competency Based Curriculum classrooms in Njiru, Magoha stated that the ministry is keen to ensure the school calendar normalizes in January.

He stated that so far, there are no plans to adjust the calendar even in the midst of an uncertain political environment.

"Everybody seems to be worried that time should be extended, in my assessment most schools have already completed the syllabus, they just need to revise, and all will be well, those that think the term will be short, we wait and cross the bridge when we get there," he stated

Magoha affirmed that national examinations would be administered as scheduled.

Schools are expected to cover for lost time in the next four weeks, as the second term is slated to end on September 16.

Magoha last week said schools would not be closed in the event of a repeat election in a bid to cover for the lost time in the already constrained academic calendar.

The education CS further stated that the government is firmly on course to implement the junior secondary classrooms as most counties are at 85% completion.

He urged school managers not to send any student home due to lack of school fees and instead work around it with the parent.

He also maintained that the schools in eight electoral areas where the by elections are slated to be held on Monday will remain closed for just a day as stated yesterday.

"Children remaining in school, there is a lot to do, you can have discussions, play in the fields and those staying home for a day you can read books, let's leave a lot of politics out of this," he stated.

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