Kenya: Let Us Now Make Nairobi Work, Governor Sakaja Says as He Assumes Office

25 August 2022

Nairobi — Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has said that it is now time to make Nairobi work after being sworn in alongside his deputy Njoroge Muchiri.

Speaking shortly after taking the oath of office on Thursday, Sakaja said that time for politics is over and that the real work now begins.

He noted that it wouldn't be an easy journey but said it's possible with concerted effort.

"It has been a long journey but together we can make Nairobi work together, time for politics is over, we will work with everyone to take the county forward," Sakaja said.

Sakaja committed to deliver a first class county without a second class citizen.

"Days for coming home to demolished houses in Nairobi are over,"

"Days for hawkers being chased and harassed as they try to make a living are over," he said.

He also committed to ensuring a fair business environment.

"We want Nairobi to be always open for business 24/7, where the playing ground is fair," he said.

Sakaja once again thanked his main competitor Polycarp Igathe, saying he is the real embodiment of siasa safi.

On his part, Deputy Governor Njoroge Muchiri said he will assist his boss in ensuring that they deliver all the pledges they made to the people of Nairobi.

Muchiri also said he will focus in ensuring a pro business environment in Nairobi by streamlining the licensing regime.

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