Africa Adaptation Dialogue - Implementing the Vision

29 August 2022
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

What: Africa Adaptation Dialogue: implementing the vision

When: 31 August 09:30 - 10:30 CAT

Where: Libreville, Gabon

Who: Global Center on Adaptation; Africa Adaptation Initiative (Chaired by Gabon); African Development Bank

Despite contributing the least to global warming, Africa finds itself on the frontline of the climate emergency, with the impacts of external shocks exacerbating these vulnerabilities. Indeed, large portions of Africa--particularly the drylands that cover three-fifths of the continent--are warming at a rate twice the global average, putting half a billion people at risk.

Chaired by Gabon, the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) aims to strengthen collaboration on adaptation across the continent. To implement this vision, the Global Center on Adaptation and the African Development Bank have jointly developed the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program - AAAP. This Africa-led, Africa-owned response is mobilizing $25 billion for climate adaptation investments in the continent over five years. This event will review progress of the AAAP and how it is contributing to narrowing the finance gap, thus accelerating the implementation of AAI.


Davinah Milenge Uwella - Principal Programme Coordinator, African Development Bank

Dr. Kevin Kariuki - Vice President, Power, Energy, Climate Change and Green Growth, AfDB

Tanguy Gahouma-Bekale - Special Advisor to His Excellency Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of the Gabonese Republic, Permanent Secretary of the National Climate Council

Prof. Anthony Nyong - Senior Director, and Africa Regional Director, Global Center on Adaptation

AAAP voices from the field

Moderated discussion with participants

Draft Program

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