Angola: Elections2022 - CNE Confirms Sending Final Report On the Elections to Constitutional Court

Luanda — The National Electoral Commission (CNE) announced Monday sending a copy of the Final Report on the 24 August general election results to the Acting President of the Republic and to the Chieg Judge of the Constitutional Court (TC).

On a statement to which ANGOP had access, CNE stresses that its procedure is according to the Organic Law on the General Elections.

According to the said report, the definitive results give the MPLA electoral victory of 51.17% of the votes, thus confirming the re-election of its presidential candidate, João Lourenço.

The ruling party won 3.209,429 votes, thus gaining 124 parliamentary seats

The final data made public by the CNE give UNITA 43,95% (2.756.786 votes, winning 90 MPs), PRS 1,14% (71,351 votes, 2 MPs), FNLA 1,06% (66,337 votes, 2 MPs) and PHA with 1,02% (63,749 votes, 2 MPs).

CASA-CE with 0.76% (47,446 votes), APN with 0.48%(30,139 votes) and P-NJANGO with 0.42% (26,867 votes) did not get any MPs.

Eight political forces ran in this suffrage which has as total number of voters 6.454,109, representing 44.82% of roughly 14.3 million registered voters.

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