Kenya: Githu Muigai Mounts Spirited Defense for Chebukati, Terms Petition a Witchhunt

1 September 2022

Nairobi — Lawyers representing IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati have told Supreme Court judges that the petition filed against presidential results he declared after the August 9 election is just a witchhunt.

In dismissing the consolidated petition seeking to overturn President-Elect William Ruto's victory, Chebukati's Lead Counsel Githu Muigai told the court that Chairman had "done nothing wrong and even IEBC did not do anything wrong".

"The chairman of IEBC is being vilified," the former Attorney General said, "he has done nothing wrong and the submissions from the petitioners is proof enough. They are just flying allegations around without proof."

Muigai was making submissions in a consolidated petition of Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga and eight others who want the court to nullify the presidential election results declared by Chebukati, on claims that they were manipulated in favour of the Deputy President.

Muigai also defended Commissioners Prof Abdi Guliye and Molu Boya against accusations that they conspired with the Chairman to manipulate presidential poll results leading to a walkout by deputy Chairperson Juliana Cherera, commissioners Justus Nyang'aya, Francis Wanderi and Irene Masiit.

The Supreme Court hearings kicked off Wednesday with submissions by lawyers for the plaintiffs who spent the day explaining how the election was so badly managed and manipulated in favour of Ruto.

But on Thursday, Muigai dismissed the claims saying, the petitioners were just out to get Chebukati out of office "for doing his job and doing it right."

And he challenged some of the lawyers representing petitioners in the Supreme Court, on why they were satisfied with their own election.

"As we sit here in this court, there are no less than three Governors, 4 Senators and 4 MPs addressing you, elected under this election," Muigai said, "are they happy with their own election: If they are, how then is this election irredeemably flawed."

To be updated... ..

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